terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2016

Jesus: a thirty year silence

The Gospels make an intriguing gap in the life of Jesus. At 12 years old, after three days of anguish, Jesus is found by his parents in the temple, talking to doctors in the law. From there it opens up the silence that is only interrupted when, around his thirties, he began his public life, preaching the kingdom and calling for conversion.
            Some have tried to fill this space, thinking that he had gone to the East, or anywhere else, studying and preparing for his mission, learning from wise men. On the other hand, the apocryphal gospels - are about 15 considered false - invent extraordinary events around the person of Jesus. Apple trees, they said, had let down the branches so that he could pick up the fruit, his toy clay birds became alive and would start flying.
            The Gospel of Luke gives us a safer track. After the crisis of his twelves, Luke said: "He went down with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them. And Jesus grew in stature and in grace with God and men "(Luke 2:51) And when he began his public life, people were surprised:"Where did this man get this wisdom? And how does he do such miracles by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?"(Mk 6.3).
              Faith teaches us that Jesus was perfect God and perfect man. It is easier to accept the divinity of Jesus than his humanity. St. Paul makes it clear that He was like us in everything except sin (Heb 4:15). He passed by our paths, ate our bread, drank our wine, attended dinners, cried a few times, smiled often and was angry with the hypocrisy and self-sufficiency of the religious elites. He blessed the children, delighted with the lilies of the field and then visited a friend's house Lazarus and his friends Martha and Mary.
            His life teaches us. He spent about thirty years preparing for mission, spent three years teaching the disciples and the crowds, and in three days realized the Sacrament of Salvation, the Eucharist, Passion, Death and Resurrection.
He favored the every day life. This goes for all us. In the everyday we see, we experience God. He teaches us to keep Sunday holy and also the days of the week. He teaches us to create roots, to one day produce flowers and fruits. He teaches us that silence is necessary to know in depth ourselves and notice God and His signs.
Father Aldo Colombo

Translated from: Paróquia São Pedro

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